December 16, 2010

The Tension

Before you have something to do important, something that can change your life forever; you get nervous and tensed. This is because your actions can change your destiny.
It can be a decision making process like the moment you say yes to a proposal, the moment you take an entrance exam / standardized exam etc.
These are the stepping stones to your future; these are the ones that define your future.

I, in my younger years used to have peer pressure for my final year exams of 10th grade and 12th grade.
This is the typical scenario in India at least, where parents and relatives tell, scold or finally yell at you telling that this is an important event for you.
But then, I was young, to understand the rationale behind it.

Now I am older enough to understand my situation, it dawns on me how important this makes or break events can be.
Now I am bearing the heat of it.
It is so evident.
I am actually crushed not by the event, but the forethought of it.
Gosh, this is killing me.

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