December 17, 2010

The Hope - Chariots of Fire

In Chariots of Fire, there are 2 protagonists. Both are sprinters, however both have different goals. Harold Abraham runs the race in order to prove that he is like any English man. Eric Liddell runs for the glory of God.

Towards the last, we see the Harold who just before the final 100 m race, stretching in his room. During the scene where he speaks to his friend and after that, there is a palpable sense of tension within him. Of course he needs to prove that he is the best and this is the Olympics that occurs once in 4 years. Therefore it is a make or break situation, no wonder it is difficult for him.

However, Eric was happy, went to church and was enjoying every moment. He, even at the last moment kept his cool. Why? Because he trusted in the Lord. He was running for the glory of God, and if God wants him there, He will get him there.
So he ran. And won the gold medal with a new world record.

Now as I remember my past, I just imagine that, if I work according to God's plan and submit myself to Him, I would be able to see the right path and then understand in His terms what victory should be for me.

I hope for the very best.

The film is named Chariots of Fire based on the poem by William Blake. The poem is also a hymn called Jerusalem which is sung in the film also. You may note the following verse interesting:

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:

I will not cease from Mental fight is equivalent to having hope.

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