January 26, 2008

Eid Holidays

From Dec 18 onwards till 24 Dec, it was holidays here in Kuwait. Therefore my colleagues decided that we go holidaying some where. Finally it was decided that Failaka islands was the place to be. The trip was held on 22 Dec. The island was located _____ from the main land of Kuwait. It took us hardly 30 minutes to reach the island.
We had some 18 people (including families). We reached the island by about 10:30.
The boat ride was pretty cool especially when it skimmed across the waves like it was surfing. The boat had a special construction underneath (like hydrofoil) to make it go faster (hence the phenomenon of surfing). It was pretty windy and the water pretty shaky. At first the crew did not allow us to take photos. But then eventually they allowed.

The Marina Bay

The ride

After having a light snack time, the 5 of us decided that it was rather boring to stay with the main group. So we decided to roam the island ourselves. That’s how we came across the Hummer. We took turns driving it. I in fact reached 100 mph on it through the desert road. It had amazing stability and we could swerve the vehicle like anything

------------------------------Photo----- driving the Hum....mer-----------------------------------

After we each had a chance we finally came to a place where we found camels without a shepherd. Wow that was cool. In fact one camel did not mind us touching it. It was rather enthralled to have fans.

-----------------------------------------------------oh dear camel..------------------------------------

Then it was time for lunch. After lunch we wanted to try something that was match enough for the Hummer ride. Then we spotted this...


The four of us took each of them and rode them like hell all across the island. Since the previous day it had rained here, the terrain was pretty wet and sticky enough to tempt our driving skills to be performed upon. We drove over the beach, on the road and even through some empty houses.

-------------------------------------------------Biker boyz--------------------------------------------Then we played some games till it was time up. Then we headed back to mainland. The day was well spent. We all agreed….